POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Please look at this and tell me what's wrong.(563 KB) : Re: Please look at this and tell me what's wrong.(563 KB) Server Time
4 Nov 2024 13:13:21 EST (-0500)
  Re: Please look at this and tell me what's wrong.(563 KB)  
From: Bob H 
Date: 29 Jan 2001 16:59:31
Message: <3a75e7c3@news.povray.org>
I think I see what he is talking about.
Media Player 7 in WinME here but should be the same.  Anyway, esp. when the
ball goes past nearby, the leading and trailing edges go into a kind of
unplanned motion blur since there isn't any actually used as you can see by
freeze-framing it.
My guess is it's the decoder doing it then.  My Voodoo3 16MB video ought to be
suitable enough to prevent the effect and yet it's there.  Would not think it
to be the video card anyhow.  Refresh rate on this screen is around 80Hz.
Nothing I know to try except a different encoding but it might not solve this
for everyone's different mpeg players.

I have a suggestion for the animation, wanted or not.  Maybe use a planar image
map for the photo, putting it inside the sphere, and keep it counter-rotating
like it is now.  Just seems to me that photos of people aren't good wrapped
onto spheres.  Unless you want that funny mirror effect.

(watch... you'll end up telling me it already is done that way!)

Bob H.

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